The Great Petone Beach Dig was held on Saturday 7 March. Hosted by Petone Beach Clean Up Crew and supporting HuHaNZ (Helping you Help Animals NZ) Animal Welfare group. Participants paid $5 for a chance to win great family prizes.

The Great Petone Beach Big Dig

On the same day, held at Eastbourne Williams Park was the Eastbourne Local Wild Food Challenge 2020.

A fun community festival involving a Cooking Challenge, educational workshops, wild food demos, food stalls, live music and more..

There was the opportunity to enter a dish with at least one wild ingredient in an entry of your choice or to come along as a spectator & enjoy seeing & tasting wild dishes created by locals.

The event has been run since 2008, starting with the small contest in Eastbourne, and grown to 7 challenges in 5 countries across the world.

Wild Food Challenge Eastbourne Days Bay