Release of list of Earthquake prone buildings in the Hutt

Peter Dunne of United Future released today a list of Earthquake prone buildings in Lower Hutt and Petone. Upper Hutt City council as of yet has not released its list.

No doubt all of this relevant given the recent quakes.

Follow the full story here with links to articles and peoples comments ex Twitter.

We do appreciate your comments as this issue is important certainly for the future of Petone and the issue around Jackson Streets character buildings.

Petone Fair 2010

Today is the 19th annual Hutt News Rotary Fair held at Jackson Street Petone.

Over 300 stalls offering everything from delicious food to an array of merchandise was on display.

Pictures below  (slideshow here) and video

Huge crowd, great weather, bit blustery but fun for the family the photos and video are just a little insight into some of what happened.

Click through to the photos.

Petone Fair 2010

Petone: Costly resource consent process for Jackson Street

Every building owner in Jackson Street has to submit a resource consent application to paint a building, its frontage or to comply to rules about signage.

Each consent application costs $750 which in the current economic climate is a distinct disincentive to upgrading buildings. The result, a reluctance to action any upgrade to the look of the 160 buildings making up Jackson St commercial area.

A recommendation was recented submitted to the Hutt City Council Operations and Compliance. One of its recommendations is that a subsidy of $600 be provided for each consent, notified or non-notified. This could see council income reduce by up to $24,000 based on current figures dependent on demand.

No doubt this equally will not be acceptable by council in the current climate either, as revenue from recent property development in Jackson Street has been curtailed given the economic climate against recent years.

Jackson Street has turned into a “destination” area for shopping and is a recent example of success that can be garnered from development provided with the right economic conditions both external (economy) and internal (council consents). Given this the council needs to be proactive in ensuring the continual success of this area by looking carefully into providing the right climate for this success to continue even if external conditions are against it.

Dont kill a success by being blinded by small time revenue gathering, look at what Petone offers to the Hutt and perhaps change the rules to be relaxed in the submission process.